Sunday, October 17, 2010

Amazing w/ Water Color

Because I want to practice my English.
So I wrote about the thing I interested in.
Let see it together :)
And please tell me if you see somewhere I wrote it wrong.
Thanks for comments

Amazing with Water Color
            “a colorless, transparent, odourless, liquid which forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms” –that is what Oxford Dictionary give a definition of the word ‘water’. And after people boring about its colorless, the water color happened.
            Painting by using water color made me feel amazing. It is difference from every other type of color I use to use. Not only in how to paint, but also how I feel. The feeling that not easy to describe. It’s fun, comfortable, amuse, peaceful and sometimes confuse. Let see how water color made me feel like this.
            First of all, painting with water color contains a lot of concentrate because the nature of water is flowing. Water makes picture more comfortable. As well as the more suitable quantity water I’d used, the more beautiful picture happened. Feeling that I want to make beautiful pictures made me focus on what I was doing, how much water to use in each space, where does the water flows and how far it will go. For one thing, it cannot change what I was done. It is not like making art work in computer graphic that can erase, undo or redo or even in poster color that can paint in the same place again without seeing old color. For water color is very sensitive. One drop can change a normal picture to a wonderful one. On the other hand, it can destroy the whole picture too.
            As I said, painting with water color is very sensitive. Then, if you saw the picture, you could guess what the painter is feeling while painting. Of course, you can say that seeing the picture painting by other type of color can guess what the painter feels too. But for me, the feeling of water color picture is more obviously and clearly. May be because it is hard to change what was painted. Everything in the picture describes the feeling. Not only in tone of color; light or dark, in line; straight or curve, or in space but also in transparent of color as well.
            The most important thing that makes me interested in painting with water color is - -it is fun! There are a lot of techniques you can use. It’s made me surprised for the first time I knew that toothbrush, plastic sheet, drinking straw, rope, candle and every other things around me can use in water color work! It is free to choose, free to do, free to play and free to think. Each picture is difference from others. No picture is the same as no man is the same. Each picture tells its story maybe a story or maybe thousand. There are the reasons why water color amazed me.

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